I need to blog but I don't know what about...
So how about 10 positive things about school starting next week? ( I am trying to convince myself)
10. I will know what day of the week it is.
9. Everyone will be back at church since vacations are over.
8. Pep rallies and football games; though I didn't enjoy these in my younger years they are much more fun now as an adult and bystander! :)
7. Raegan and I will have more one-0n-one time to work on her reading skills.
6. Opportunities to meet new people and share life with strangers through the girls' classrooms.
5. More time to blog and write (maybe).
4. Fall might be coming sometime in the next few months bringing cooler temperatures?!
3. Returning to a bedtime/waking up schedule.
2. Enjoying delicious(lol) lunches with my youth at school!
1. I get to share my little lights (Hadley Morgan and Caedlyn Tatum) with a dark and dying world, kind of like mini missionaries!
Honestly after the bottom five I got stumped and had to stretch for the top 5, I guess I need more convincing than I thought. It would have been way easier to write a top 10 list just about the beauty that cooler temperatures will bring, like more comfortable outside time to go for walks or jump on the trampoline, fall leaves, cooler weather meals. See that's 3 without even thinking. Anyway I digress haha.
All good things come to an end, I guess, and this summer was a great one, we enjoyed Ranger's games, 6 flags, VBS, visits to family, tons of swimming and so much more. As much as I don't want to send the girls to school next week, I am trying to make a conscience effort to make the most of every opportunity (Colossians 4:5) and let God use me and my family in this season! I want to shine like a star for Him in any and every place He puts me and as of next week that will be as a mom/student pastor's wife in the school building. I pray that I might be radiant!
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