The Real Life of a Pastor's Wife

Things are changing around here.... well changing and staying the same in an interesting dynamic! I am no longer a youth pastor's wife, but I am still at the same time! We have recently resigned from FBC Troup, which was the place we have been serving longer than any other place before it. We have accepted the call to be church plant pastors and with that church plant youth pastors at the same time, at least until the baby church grows into needing additional staff. So I am now a pastor/youth pastor's wife; translation I am still just a normal, girl who happens to be married to some one in the ministry. I am blogging to make sure everyone knows that my family and I are not perfect,to share with everyone what God is doing in me and to give you a peek into the craziness that is my real life. It is my prayer that no matter how you found this blog, and no matter who you are, God will use these words to speak to your heart and draw you closer to Himself. I would love to hear from you; comments, questions, complaints, and randomness is always welcome!!

The family!

The family!

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Even When We Are Not Looking

Kids have a funny way of thinking about and processing the world around them. They don't see things like most grown-ups do and we can learn a lot from them if we take the time to listen. My 4yr old is a real "live wire", ask anyone who knows her and they will have to admit she is a mess! In the last few weeks she has started to close her eyes and ask if the lights are still on, or if I am still standing near her, etc. even when she cannot see. She is long past the developmental stage when children learn that objects do not disappear when out of sight, but she thinks it is funny to pretend that the lights automatically go off when she closes her eyes.

Every time she does this it makes me think of the passage in Hebrews 11 that says "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Just like the lights, that do in fact stay on even when Raegan closes her eyes, Jesus is all around us and working in every situation, even when we are not looking, even when we cannot see. For some people the idea of surrendering everything, or anything for that matter to an invisible being in the sky is foolishness, but to those of us who are, by faith, giving our lives to God, it is power. Power to live a life that matters, power to love in every situation, power to serve and sacrifice, power to be all we were created to be and power to be used by God to change lives.

We know that the sun still exists even when it is night and that the wind is real even though we can not see it. And what about gravity? I cannot see or touch that, yet with out gravity we wouldn't be on Earth. So how much more should we believe Jesus is all He said He is. And not only that He is real but He is worthy of everything we have, since He proves Himself over and over in every good thing that we have.

So open your eyes and see the God who created the universe, at work in every intimate detail of your life! Or close them; and you know what? He is still there!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I never even thought about it that way before! And i totally understand the whole faith thing now! I just got to open my eyes :)
