Tonight we were playing outside; the girls were jumping on the trampoline, swinging and riding bikes. The weather is nice and everyone was enjoying it and having fun hanging out. Then one of my girls had a melt down over some little thing, crying and carrying on about nothing really. I guess whatever happened was the last drop of water that her lake could hold, because the damn broke and she ended up crying for over an hour about everything from the senseless death of crickets, to missing her family in Lubbock, to a mean girl at school. After a nice long visit with her daddy and a few minutes of comic relief with me she seemed to feel a lot better. She got everything off her chest, knew that her daddy heard her concerns, got some love and attention and was able to go to bed with the peace of knowing her daddy loves her and will do anything for her.
The truth is nothing changed by her crying and screaming and almost making herself sick, she is still far away from Lubbock, where most of her favorite people live, crickets still die needlessly (lol) and that same mean girl will be waiting for her in the morning. I guess all that changed was her perspective on things, her Daddy was able to give her some guidance, support and insights on the things that were bothering her, which made things make more sense.
Sometimes that is how it is when we talk to our Heavenly Daddy. We can and should go to God about anything, He cares about everything that is weighing on us and loves it when we talk to Him about the big stuff and even the little nagging questions that we have. Although prayer can and does change things, sometimes the biggest change is in our hearts and in the way we see the circumstances and people around us. Philippians 4:6-7 says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Prayer seems so awkward to us, like we need to say the right words and sound the right way, but in reality we should just sit in our Daddy's lap and talk or cry or scream or whisper and get everything off our chest. And in turn we will know that God hears us and cares deeply about everything that is bothering us, we will enjoy God's peace and best of all get some amazing Daddy love. And even if crickets still die without any reason at all we can trust the God loves us and that He has good plans for us.